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So you're a college student with a few spare minutes? Take a quick look of what you could do with that time.
So you're a college student with a few spare minutes? Take a quick look of what you could do with that time.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Thanks to Lemuel Craft
My little sister loves to argue. She thinks she is always right about any topic. Now, I have to confess that I also love a good argument and I’ve been known to think I’m right about things that I don’t really know for sure as well. With that said, we got into it the other night. And over the stupidest thing too! It was over Kim Kardashian! You would think in our hardships of war and with the economic crisis, we could find something more serious to argue over, but no! My sister and I were disagreeing because she thought that Kim was going to stay with her husband and I had heard they had already filed for divorce. So we solved it the way we normally end up solving our arguments…Google! I’ll have you know, I was right and she was wrong. I love when that happens! I’m so smart! I can’t take all the credit though. I should thank my sister for being wrong, Google, and Satellite Star Internet for allowing me to do a quick search. I love being right….for now!
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Well, one trip to Goodwill later ends up with buying several shot glasses, a pilsner glass, Christmas lights, and to finish it up...
a party bucket with Budweiser logo!
Now since we made a post a little while back about our exploits with bottle caps, we are temporarily storing every one of the 300+ caps in our party bucket. It also acts as a makeshift cap bucket to toss our caps into. Allow the party to commencerate!
Adding pictures later from my actual machine. You won't believe how awesome it is for the low, low Goodwill price of $1! Cheers.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Posted by Anonymous
![]() |
Me, Conquering Nature |
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Well the community has been wanting it for quite a while, and Phreak has rumored they are reading the posts. Just about every refresh on LoL's forums will show a post with numerous examples as to how Vladimir is severely underpowered and overlooked by other Ability Power based champions: Will Riot buff him in the next few patches?
Today, 01:18 PM So lets compare them: Lane: Vladmir main source of damage is his Transfusion (Q) and Tides of Bloods (E), both of which have very low range, in the laning phase. Compared to other mages his early game is very weak. His Q is on a High CD so, so he can't spam it, and his E doesn't do nearly as much damage to be noticeable,unless you spam it until 4 stacks,in which case your going to be low on health most of the time. All the other mages have better poke,farm,etc. The only thing that vlad can do better is escaping ganks with his Sanguine Pool (W), or as I call it the trollpool. Teamfight: This really depend on whos farmed more, but it doesn't even matter really when we're talking about Vlad. He will usually just be an AP off tank. He's not like Brand or Annie where they burst, then come back and do it again. He's like an sustained kind of fighter. The only reason why he is still able to teamfight is his pool, which keeps him alive in teamfights. He has to get so close to use his skills, so most of the time you will be like Q>E>R>W>Q>E then die. His teamfight is only good if you can ult atleast 3 of them and stay in teamfights for a while. If you can't stay in a teamfight, then your pretty much a burden to your team. Usually AP casters will do more damage than you in teamfights,since there so short. Utility: This isn't even a contest. Annie, and Orianna have a AoE stun, Brand has a stun,which isn't much, but makes up for it with his damage. What does Vladmir have? He has a slow. Now this is good if you can slow 5 of them, but unless you have a good team right as soon you come up from your pool, you will get focused and die. Vlad doesn't offer as much utility as other mages. Survivability: There's not much to say about Vlad's survivability. Since Vlad has to get upclose to do some damage his survivability is really low. For a person that doesn't bulid tanky, to have to get up close to do damage you can bet your going to get focus the moment you get up from your pool, or when your walking into the teamfight. |
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
It has been a little while since I last wrote an article for CDT, but that doesn't mean it has been a while since I got paid to write!
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
As previous postings have suggested, we here at CDT are quite fond of Pink Floyd, as many music connoisseurs are. We took the time this week to try and learn a few riffs of one of their most famous and most emotional songs, "Wish You Were Here," from the album of the same name.
Strum a few Times Strum a few Times ^V^ ^V^ e---------------------3-------------------3---| B---------------------3-------------------3---| G---------------------0-------0-----------0---| D-------------0--2----0----2-----2--------0---| * 2 A------0h2------------2-------------------2---| E---3-----------------x-------------------3---| Strum a few Times Strum a few Times ^V^ ^V^ e---------------------3--------------------------------3---| B---------------------3--------------------------------3---| G---------------------0--------------------------------2---| D-------------0--2----0------2-----0-------------------2---| A------0h2------------2------------------2-------0-----0---| E---3-----------------x--------------------------------0---|
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Yes, ketchup does work wonders for a quick fishing trip. There isn't much to it. Say for instance, your lure and hook are a little dull. That's bad, you think to yourself, the fishies can't see my death grasp.
I know! I'll clean it with some polishing chemicals. No, you will not. Those chemicals deter fish from going anywhere near your lure. That's bad.
Use ketchup fellows. The slight acidic composition will clean off anything on your rod. I mean anything, previous bait, catches, dog biscuits, dollar bill residue, anything. Plus, it leaves your lure tasty fresh for future catches.
Just a couple packets in your tackle box and you're set. Or don't and sit in that lake wondering why the fish won't bite after you irradiated their environment with your cleaning supplies.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Well it finally happened: I temporarily broke my laptop. Seems that DiY projects sometimes come back to bite you (me). All I wanted to do was to reapply a new layer of thermal paste on my heatsink, but I could not do it. Bummer, I thought, I'll just put it back together.
Reassembled laptop. Hit the power button. Nothing.
That is when my heart stopped. I repeatedly pressed the power button. Still nothing.
You ever had a feeling of screwing up so badly you don't know what to do?
Man, I felt like hell until I got my stuff together the next day and went through the process all over, screw for screw. Somehow I must have managed to not fully connect a wire or screw because it started up perfectly after reassembling it again. Phew.
That first night of dealing with a broken $500 laptop felt terrible. The following day felt great, like I resurrected the dead. Glad that's over, time to get back to blogging.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
As we at College DownTime are based in Las Vegas, we figured we would do a little piece on some of the mostly-unknown tips to saving on car insurance. This is especially important for registering your vehicle in Las Vegas, as the city is deemed "24/7 driving," meaning the insurance companies want to charge you for more insurance since LV has constant traffic. Let us get started.
1) For married folks: Combine your individual cars onto one policy. This is fairly standard, but it is still surprising to hear of folks complaining how marriage ADDS more costs than it saves. Read up.
2) Where you live: Las Vegas has quite a few areas that have a higher crime. If you live in a high-density neighborhood, you WILL be paying more. Congestion means more money. Hint: Don't move to North Las Vegas if you have the choice. This site lists crime per area in LV, use it.
3) Pay ahead of time: If you pay the full 6-12 months at once, you get a slight discount. This is usually somewhere around 1-3% with a good company.
4) Deductible amount: Know what you are covered under and decide if you want to opt for a higher deductible. Higher deductible means less per month, but more if you actually need to use your insurance. Depending on where you live in Las Vegas, this could be terrible to do.
5) Pass driver's education: Show your little certificate if you are a student and usually you will get 5% off. This could be your best way to save money fast.
6) I can drive: Always be the driver of your car. Unless you are tighter than Joanie and Chachi, do not pan your keys off to someone.
7) Where you park: If you live in an apartment or complex that uses a garage, put it on your policy. You will get quite a bit off due to less risk of vandalism and weather.
8) Show off your degree: There is a good chance a college degree will lessen your costs.
9) Work and play: Live close to your workplace, it will make you less stressful and most companies lessen your insurance rates.
Overall, there is always the standard: Don't drive stupid, update your vehicle, keep it registered, and don't steal gas. I know we all have genius ideas on how to get away with it, but you'll lose your license way fast. Though if I were to steal gas, I'd frame someone explicitly and get out of the state ASAP.
Always carry extra DNA and clear tape with random fingerprints, there is always a use.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Some of my trading funds had cleared up a bit (meaning I sold before I lost my shirt), and now I am back to researching and gathering information for my next trade. I have yet to make a Scottrade account for the Level 2 quotes (and I'm not even sure if Scottrade's L2 is good for penny stocks) so I was in need of some other way of knowing the real-time price of a stock I am watching.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
You were aware of your drinking habits years ago and until recently, you did not know how to express them to others. Especially folks you just met who have no idea your idea of a fun time is, well...gee, I can't remember. I know it had something to do with something.
Time to actually do something with those bottle caps you were collecting for three years. Stop chucking them at one another in an attempt to see who can fit the most in the bowling ball girl-boobs.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Well after a hard day of tasting and tending to my mead, I figured I had earned a beer. But should it be a beer inside or outside, I thought to myself as I slowly stroked my beard. Well, there is a massive heat wave going on, humidity levels are through the roof, and inside is at least slightly cooler than the porch.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Back with my cattle once again. While I was away, I left my last batch of homebrew mead (honey wine) to finalize its alcohol-making processes. Well it's been two weeks since I started it, time to test how it made out.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Well after three days of nine-hour volunteering, I will take the time to put together some up-to-date information on how the reusing experiment is going. I wanted to make blocks of bottles in order to easily lay them together, assemble, and store. Since I am a college student and I do not have the foresight to know how duct tape will work, I automatically assume it will hold together anything I use it on, so why stop myself now?
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
As with many college students, much downtime is spent gaming. And by our previous posts, you know we have old consoles. Though highly nostalgic and awesome, they are not the best gaming devices for long periods of time, save for Super Smash Bros. Then a buddy of mine introduced me to League of Legends (LoL), a game based off of a Warcraft III map (DOTA, DotA, dota, whatever). It is completely free to play if you choose so, yet you are able to buy champions and starter packs as you wish. Now for a short story about tonight's game:
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Similar to the article we made on installing and playing Oregon Trail, you can now introduce your family to the nostalgic floppy-disk game Number Munchers! The only computer game your first grade teacher let you play. Play different modes of math problems, like fractions, multiples, addition, etc. All you have to do to win is press space bar and "eat" the numbers, whilst avoiding the evil Troggles. They kill you like no tomorrow and give you more numbers to eat before passing the level. Damn Troggles.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
No, we aren't talking about this plastic ship, that is waaaayyyy too complex. Nope, the idea here is to make a raft, or possibly a couch, out of old plastic bottles and containers with nothing more than duct tape, maybe some wire, and rubber cement. This is a bit of a long-term project, so for now I'll just show you how I began the project.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
As Thanksgiving approaches (it is only 4.5 months away), we are once again reminded of the majestic, almost-national-bird, the turkey. As usual in college, I had some downtime and decided to forever memorialize the flightless bird in charcoal. It took a few tries to get the head and feathers decent enough to allow recognition, but it could still use a bit of work.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Holy cow, you still need more ways to drink stealthily? You might actually have a few problems. Fortunately, we could care less about your problems and instead we are going to focus on drinking. Let's get to work.
Posted by Anonymous
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
You remember the big 2000-era hype of eChurches? Well they are still around and just as legitimate as ever. Today's post will teach you how to become an actual, legitimately ordained minister, pastor, or priest. It only takes a couple minutes and could possibly be an extra source of income, depending on how far you want to go with it.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
Today I am posting this from outside. It is hardly humid, moderately warm, and there is a very-slightly cool breeze drifting by. I had a jazz music playlist on random, a cup of Turkish earl grey tea with bergamot, and my dog was not back from the vet yet, meaning it was quiet. Then I became slightly bored and lost my train of thought. Why am I not competely at ease? Why am I asking myself questions when I should be having my mind defragmenting itself over the tea? I will just have to relax even harder, and I remembered where to start...
RainyMood! A getting-popular-really-fast site that streams a 30 minute-long sound bite of a rainstorm, complete with the occasional distant thunder sound. While it is simply a wonderful stream to have going on a lazy afternoon, that is not where you should stop. The real beauty of this sound bite is to have your own music streaming along with it. On the site itself, it lists a few songs users have tried in conjunction with Rainymood. Today's post will list just a few of my favorites.
Fragrance of Dark Coffee - An interesting orchestral instrumental piece that takes your mind on a calm ride through an English countryside. It is from a Japanese show called Godot about a coffee-loving attorney. Listening to this with RainyMood is quite an experience.
Jazz-styled Piano with Electronic Mixing - an unnamed piece I found via Google. It mixes the slow complexity of smooth jazz piano with electronic beats and effects. While you might think electronic means heavy, I can assure you it is in no way overpowering the piano.
Moonlight Sonata and Overture by Trans Siberian Orchestra - One of Beethoven's best known songs. The first one is the classic piano version and the TSO version is a compilation of several of Beethoven's pieces put together into one song opening for a CD of theirs called Beethoven's Last Night. I am quite the TSO fan, so I prefer their cover over the classic. On a final note, just about every song on Beethoven's Last Night can be played with RainyMood as the CD itself has a dark, creepy, and powerful tone that blends well with a rainstorm (Try Fate).
The Aurora - An electronic/vocalist song complete with a well-done video of a winterscape and aurora. It makes you feel confident and inspired just to listen to the soft vocals mixed with a moderate trance beat. Though quite short, the song almost seems ethereal.
Le Onde - A classical-themed piano piece by Ludovico Einaudi. The title translates to "the waves," and the music is just so. The piano notes seem to just roll over one another to form a very calming aura of music. The song picks up and lets you down at just the right times.
Can You Stand the Rain - Finishing up strongly with Boyz II Men! Yes, this song fits quite well with RainyMood. A slow melody performed by the smoothest boy band ever. Complete with finger-snapping and perfect-pitch vocals, this is definitely a tune to try out.
Hopefully you have heard of this site before and this post is simply reminding you or getting you a few more good songs. If you have never used this site before, wow! You really haven't? You serious? Geez man...
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
One of the most annoying aspects I found with my toolbar buttons was not being able to move them. I found the lack of movability quite disturbing. I knew there had to be a way, but where to start?
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
One of the things Windows 7 is missing is the highly popular stack function found in other operating systems (I refuse to type them). I prefer my desktop to have easy access to commonly used programs, but I also do not want the desktop cluttered with dozens of icons. A few icons on the desktop are perfectly fine, but I'm no Jabroni when it comes to cleanliness. Therefore, I went on a virtual quest in search of the perfect method of using stacks in Windows 7.
I wanted stacks and I wanted them to look awesome. Too many folks had screenshots of stacks in weird places, like above their toolbars, off to the side, or even free floating around the desktop. This did not suit my purposes well. If it cannot look decent, I would not bother.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
(continued from here) It's that time again, time to be social in public. It is great that you finally get to hit the beach, but oh how the people you are going with are uninteresting. They're the ones who always bring too many chairs, blankets, parasols, and water bottles. The kind of folks you're surprised are able to leave the house knowing they will be unable to bring the entire pantry or the family Wii. Well, luckily for you, you do not have to bear it sober, again.
Most beaches you will find are not alcohol-friendly. Some beaches have ATV-riding lifeguards specifically patrolling for alcohol consumption. If you bring a cooler thinking you can at least have a few cold ones while the rest of your group small talks about their menial problems at the office, think again. You'll probably end up sober, ticketed, and escorted off the beach. With that in mind, here's what you have to do...
1) Pack lightly if you're planning on bringing beer specifically. You'll need all the room you can get, plus you don't want to look like a tool with thirty bottles of sunscreen, do you?
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
First off, this post is a bit of a deviation from our normal hobby/interest posts. Recently there has been some suspicious activity with the blog and Adsense. This forced us to do a bit of research on what to do for these situations. We might as well pass the knowledge onto you.
1) Go to your Adsense account (easy if you use Gmail) and figure out if you're in the old or new format. New format is set as the default for all new accounts and there is growing pressure not to use the old format.
Posted by Steve from College DownTime
All right, hopefully you have an idea of what to look for when picking the right stock to flip. The trading game used to be all about investing for long periods of time and knowing when to cash out, but nowadays it's about taking quick profit and exiting. Only mutual funds, IRAs, and retirement plans should be invested in for long term causes (incubator funds as well, but we don't have that much money to play with, amirite?).
Follow a decent stock for as long as it takes to be able to predict movement throughout a typical day, preferably one recommended on several reputable forums. Profitable picks in my past have been ones I noticed did better at certain parts of the day (selling time) and dropped at other times (buying time, lunch hours are a key time). After I got confident predicting movement, I stayed at my computer the whole time my money was floating around.